Magical pools
Magical pools of water have been a part of D&D since at least B1: In Search of the Unknown and its infamous room of pools, and of myth, legend, and fantasy for far longer. A "pool" can be found in a dungeon, a deep forest, a mountaintop, a ruined castle, or even in a town. It can be a standard pool, or a font, a fountain, a basin, a pond, a spring, a cistern, or any other smallish body of water. Typically, the powers of a magical pool are invoked by drinking its water, bathing or sprinkling oneself or another object, immersing something in it, or gazing at its surface, though other methods are possible. Its waters are usually only potent in the immediate vicinity of the pool, and lose their powers if bottled and carried away. Pool of Vanity : The surface of the water reflects the images of those gazing on it in an exaggeratedly grand fashion, making them more attractive and more extravagantly attired. Pool of Clarity : This pool reflects only the truth, revealing the tru...