New Monster: Clockwork Beehive
We interrupt this series of classic monsters to bring you a new one.
Clockwork Beehive
Hive Bees
Hit Dice: 4 1 hp each
Move: Nil Fly 180' (60')
These very rare constructs consist of a hive wrought of brass and bronze and a swarm of mechanical bees. The bees can be instructed to forage by the owner of the hive, and are able to distinguish between different varieties of plants. Thus they are extremely useful for collecting particular kinds of pollen and nectar for alchemy and potions, and for selectively pollinating plants for horticultural purposes. The bees are normally non-aggressive unless they or the hive are attacked. The sting of a single bee delivers an electrical jolt that causes slight numbness. When seriously threatened or defending the hive, the bees attack in swarms of 5-10. Each swarm attacks as a 2 HD monster, inflicting 1d4 points of lightning damage on a successful attack and requiring the target to save vs. paralysis or be paralyzed for 1d6 turns. Bees protecting the hive will fight to the death or until the attackers are driven off. If the hive is destroyed, all its bees immediately cease to function.
A successful attack with a weapon against swarming bees will destroy one bee for each point of damage, ignoring Strength and magical bonuses. As non-living constructs, the hive and bees are immune to all poisons, illusions, sleep and charm spells, and mind-affecting magic.
The hive is always locked, requiring the key or a knock spell to open. It contains 1d6 pints of honey, which has a minor magical effect as chosen by the DM. Each pint acts as a single dose.
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