My ancient drawings

 Going through a box of stuff in a spare bedroom that mostly serves as a clutter repository, I came across a folder of old D&D stuff. This particular stuff dates back to the early 90s, when I had dreams of writing and submitting an adventure module for publication. I would have been somewhere in the 18-20 age range at the time. 

Anyway, the folder included some drawings I'd done for said module, and while I don't think anyone would ever mistake me for a great artist, I'm kind of surprised that they don't look nearly as bad as I would have expected. To the best of my recollection, I haven't done any drawing at all since these ones (which, as we've established, was a LONG damn time ago.) Anyway, I thought, what the hell, let's share these with my small handful of blog readers! Bear in mind, they've been sitting around in a folder for a few decades, getting all faded and yellow and smudgy-looking. I've run them through my photo editing program to darken them and bump up the contrast a bit, but that's all.

An intrepid adventurer, all set to barge into the dungeon and stir up the monsters!

A dwarf, shocked at whatever he's confronted by upon entering the dungeon.

A gang of bandits, who seem a little miffed at being interrupted by an adventuring party.

A goblin king and his minions, who also seem a bit put out.

That's all that remains of my old sketching days. I'm wondering now if I should give it another try, and see if I could do a bit better. 


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